4 Quotes & Sayings By Sven Lindqvist

Sven Lindqvist is a Swedish journalist and writer of historical fiction. He was born in Stockholm on 1 March 1952. He has worked as a newspaper reporter and editor and for several years as a correspondent and editor of magazines and newspapers. His first published novel, "The Sect", which was awarded the August Prize, was an instant success.

You already know enough. So do I. It is not...
You already know enough. So do I. It is not knowledge we lack. What is missing is the courage to understand what we know and to draw conclusions. Sven Lindqvist
The Norweigian philosopher Tonnesen said that to think about anything but death is evasion. Society, art, culture, the whole of civilisation is nothing but evasion, one great collective self delusion, the intention of which is to make us forget that all the time we are falling through the air, at every moment getting closer to death. Sven Lindqvist
I am in good company, simply following those in front of me and knowing others are following behind. We are on our way up a narrow staircase. The bannister is a thick rope suggesting safety. The stairs go around and around inside a church tower; or perhaps it is a minaret? The whorls of the staircase grow narrower and narrower, but as there are so many people behind there is no longer any possibility of turning around or even stopping. The pressure from behind foeces me on. The staircase suddenly stops at a garbage chute in the wall. When i open the hatch and squeeze my way through the hole, i find myself on the outside of the tower. The rope has dissappeared. It is totally dark. I cling on to the slippery, icy wall of the tower while vainly trying to find a foothold in the emptiness. . Sven Lindqvist